Daniel Wei designs & builds digital infrastructure for humans ⦿ He believes that honesty comes unadorned ⦾ that form is a function of function ⦾ that elegance is hierarchical and recursive ⦾ and that our tools must be legible top-down.
He works at Shmood (EF W23) out of their office in Manhattan ⦾ has previously worked at Google ⦾ and Instapath (YC W19) ⦿ He is finishing his Bachelor’s of Arts at Cornell University in Computer Science, minoring in ⦾ Design ⦾ and East Asian Studies ⦾ and previously led teams on Cornell DTI and DCC.
He is inspired by a childhood in Houston ⦾ and Shanghai ⦿ and currently lives at The Residency in New York City ⦾ with a small upstate apartment in Ithaca, NY.
You can find his X ⦾ Github ⦾ LinkedIn ⦾ Are.na ⦾ Photos ⦾ Resume.
Daniel Wei designs & builds digital infrastructure for humans ⦿ He believes that honesty comes unadorned ⦾ that form is a function of function ⦾ that elegance is hierarchical and recursive ⦾ and that our tools must be legible top-down.
He is inspired by a childhood in Houston ⦾ and Shanghai ⦿ and currently lives at The Residency in New York City ⦾ with a small upstate apartment in Ithaca, NY.
He works at Shmood (EF W23) out of their office in Manhattan ⦾ has previously worked at Google ⦾ and Instapath (YC W19) ⦿ He is finishing his Bachelor’s of Arts at Cornell University in Computer Science, minoring in ⦾ Design ⦾ and East Asian Studies ⦾ and previously led teams on Cornell DTI and DCC.
You can find his X ⦾ Github ⦾ LinkedIn ⦾ Are.na ⦾ Photos ⦾ Resume.